Mr. Rushdi Ghalayini

Born in Gaza City in 1962, Mr. Rushdi Ghalayini completed his undergraduate studies in economics and computer science at the American University in Cairo.
He held several managerial positions, mostly at Bank of Palestine in 2008, until he became General Manager, Mr. Ghalayini has an extensive experience in the Palestinian banking sector, whereby for more than 30 years, he held many top management banking positions in several regions, from handling risk management, to good governance, credit facilitations and banking operations.
Mr. Ghalayini has been an active participant in international banking events, conferences and workshops organized by leading banking institutions in the region and around the world, including the Institute of International Finance (IIF). He has been chosen to become a member in a number of companies and banks, among them the following:
1. A Board member at Invest Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
2. A Board member at the Palestinian Banking Institute
3. A Board member at the Palestinian Company for Money Transportation and Valuables
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